Hentai Hottie Pretty Mary Gets Railed By Fat Dick

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Girls in hentai are always ravished by extra-large dicks. But the girls who do cosplay don’t usually get to be stretched. Most of the men at cosplay conventions aren’t packing that much... Read More in their pants. That’s why Pretty Mary was so happy to cosplay for a porn site. She knew that we would pair her up with a male porn star. And male porn stars need to have big dicks so that they would look good on camera. We paired her up with one of our most endowed colleagues, and she was so happy about it. Not only that, but our guy is a gentleman. Before stretching her pussy, he made sure to warm her up by spreading her legs, fingering her, and licking her clit until she almost came into his mouth. And then she returned the favor with an amazing blowjob service. Not only that, but she sucked dick while in character, looking exactly like one of those hentai sluts, with ahegao face and all. She could barely fit that dick in her mouth. And we were not surprised to hear her moan so loud from the moment she got on top and let that dick enter her tight little pussy. She creamed all over it from the first couple of strokes. And she looks so impaled on that cock. After a while, our guy took charge and tried to fuck Pretty Mary from behind. And while at first, he had to go easy on her tight little pussy, after a while, he could drill her hard. After all that excellent fucking, Mary got a massive cumshot all over her perky little titties. We’re sure she’ll call us again to shoot more films with her new friend.
- 27:01
- March 24th, 2024
- 114
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